FEAR NOT as Internet Death Machine is not actively looking to slaughter all your precious www. Pages that you so inherently worship and adore. Not that I know of at least as I’ve only been just introduced to the project but the man behind it Aaron Dictor has been notable for a couple of small releases throughout the scene, such as Canned Resistor. Internet Death Machine is his latest project flowing throughout the internet and takes inspiration from industrial rock, electronic music, and judging by the cover art anime.
His debut album Dead Internet Theory released in 2024 but even if I did know if its existence I wouldn’t have known about it due to the Blackout that happened last year and the subsequent rebuild of the entire site. Anyway, it sounds pretty upon first listen and contains fourteen tracks altogether and lasts about an hour and one minute altogether. It’s a lot to dive into with a naturally flowing story and concept throughout all the songs with plenty of times for spoken word sample and the like. Easily could fit into the likes of Cyberpunk 2077 so on and so forth. Check it out below.
Internet Death Machine also has a YouTube page available where he’s uploaded a couple of visualizers and other such things. Check out the visualizer for Fifth Generational Warfare below.