This review was commissioned. However, it bears no weight on the score or decision. All reviews are written from an unbiased standpoint.
I’m gonna be blunt at the very start of this review: omega attraktor’s latest album is great background music for focus and generally doing chores but if you’re going in for an intense and in-depth listening session, you’re going to be sorely disappointed. This project uses DIY instruments, circuits powered by unloaded batteries and, judging by the artist’s profile picture on Bandcamp, field recordings.
“beings of the dawn” begins with the title track, and at first I felt pretty good about it; lo-fi in its creation and somewhat soothing, this is what an electronic jungle should sound like. It kind of reminded me of something that I could see playing in the original Predator movie, or even Predator 2. But it’s nine minutes long with a circuit that loops round and round and never really does much more than sound like elevator music from a sci-fi world. As I said, background noise; I found myself one morning listening to this as I paid bills. It was quite peaceful but it couldn’t quite drag me away from my tasks as does other music.
Much the same can be said for ‘garden of elders’, although this one is shorter at around five minutes, but still maintains that looping nature that gets stale quickly. A much darker tone with some vocal work that was a bit shocking, a bit bad, and definitely didn’t fit. ‘stories from my next skin’ is pretty good at replicating what you would expect to find in an alien / UFO documentary. Intriguing at first, repetitious throughout, loses me after a minute or two. Last song is ‘guardians of knowledge’ and it’s a fifteen minute slow ride through a canoe in an eerie bog with some random bits of noise here and there. Other than that, it maintains the problems listed above.
My final comments are going to be as repetitious as “beings of the dawn” is, for those final comments are that the album is repetitious. If you’re going to make a nine to fifteen minute track, you have got to break it up into multiple parts whilst keeping the theme alive. And this is exactly what didn’t happen. Some interesting sounds is not enough to keep the momentum on this album alive and I’m checked out of it. What I will say is that omega attractor does have some unique sounds but, god damn, change it up.
4 out of 10