Loomec - Personal Drugstore
Loomec is yet another side-project of Stefan Poiss known of his very well received mind.in.a.box project and later on for THYX. This time Stean joins forces with Martin Mejzlik to create a hybrid between electronic & pop-rock music. Interesting fact is that this project was supposed to be founded six years ago, but only recently (tomorrow -> 23rd of August) was the debut album released.
While I was never a die-hard fan of mind.in.a.box I do understand why people really like that project. It was really well produced electronic music with a story behind the lyrics. Very mid-paced atmosphere stuff that worked well the vision of a cyberpunk world that was created in the lyrics & booklets. But then after some time it seems that the band got tired of 100% electronic set and started incorporating live guitars, drums and other instruments (especially with their live / concert setup).
Loomec seems the be the perfect child of what they (Stefan?) wanted to create. The songs here are very similar to most of mind.in.a.box arrangements, the vocals & vocoders are almost identical. The difference is of course, the guitars, acoustic drums and other live instrumentalization. Most the songs are poppy, happy even. The band itself admits: "The theme: We will find the good! And it looms with enlightening character!". This makes me wonder why did Brutal Resonance or pretty much whatever "gothic" portal get a promo for a review. This music is NOT of our scene. This would definitely work better with VIVA-like bands or other mainstream media. Problem is... I don't even think it's good enough for the mainstream media.
The album is very mediocre. I really HATE some of the pop arrangements and vocals. The guitars make it even worse. In times where our "scene" is struggling with decent music... this somehow makes it even worse...
Aug 22 2013
While I was never a die-hard fan of mind.in.a.box I do understand why people really like that project. It was really well produced electronic music with a story behind the lyrics. Very mid-paced atmosphere stuff that worked well the vision of a cyberpunk world that was created in the lyrics & booklets. But then after some time it seems that the band got tired of 100% electronic set and started incorporating live guitars, drums and other instruments (especially with their live / concert setup).
Loomec seems the be the perfect child of what they (Stefan?) wanted to create. The songs here are very similar to most of mind.in.a.box arrangements, the vocals & vocoders are almost identical. The difference is of course, the guitars, acoustic drums and other live instrumentalization. Most the songs are poppy, happy even. The band itself admits: "The theme: We will find the good! And it looms with enlightening character!". This makes me wonder why did Brutal Resonance or pretty much whatever "gothic" portal get a promo for a review. This music is NOT of our scene. This would definitely work better with VIVA-like bands or other mainstream media. Problem is... I don't even think it's good enough for the mainstream media.
The album is very mediocre. I really HATE some of the pop arrangements and vocals. The guitars make it even worse. In times where our "scene" is struggling with decent music... this somehow makes it even worse...
Aug 22 2013
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Suono - My Style is available at POPONAUT from 12,95€
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