Cult Following Industrial Synthetic Minister Canadian Synthetic Minister had a break from releasing after their second self-released 'Being For Others' back in 2005. Now on Radio-Active-Music they are back with big gestures and industrial music that lacks surprises. There are a lot of positive things to say, and I'm going to share a few of them. The vocals are very well performed and a few times it reminds me of the style that Dez from Coal Chamber used back in the days. I loved, and still love, Coal Chamber (will never forget their concert as support act for Type O Negative back in 1999). It's not that it's always obvious (perhaps to anyone but me), but sometimes I get small hints and that is enough to get me into the vibe, especially during the first track "Dose For Reality". The Minister does not take any detours in their creation, while it lacks ingenuity, it is band aided together with a straight forward approach that is well performed and with great sound. There's a fine mixture of slower tracks and tracks that could not care less if they ran over your demented granddad. I'm glad of the mixture, since an album with only down tempo tracks would bore you and just industrial mayhem would be too much. The list of my favorite tracks is a verification of my former statement, everything from the last track "Trickmuster" which is close to a ballad, to the second track "Just Another Part" which is true grinding. It's also fair to mention "One Day" and "Down With You" before ending this review. I gladly join their cult and will continue to follow them, their electronic flavoured industrial made me kneel. 450
Brutal Resonance

Synthetic Minister - Cult Following

Released 2011 by Radio-Active-Music
Canadian Synthetic Minister had a break from releasing after their second self-released 'Being For Others' back in 2005. Now on Radio-Active-Music they are back with big gestures and industrial music that lacks surprises.

There are a lot of positive things to say, and I'm going to share a few of them. The vocals are very well performed and a few times it reminds me of the style that Dez from Coal Chamber used back in the days. I loved, and still love, Coal Chamber (will never forget their concert as support act for Type O Negative back in 1999). It's not that it's always obvious (perhaps to anyone but me), but sometimes I get small hints and that is enough to get me into the vibe, especially during the first track "Dose For Reality".

The Minister does not take any detours in their creation, while it lacks ingenuity, it is band aided together with a straight forward approach that is well performed and with great sound. There's a fine mixture of slower tracks and tracks that could not care less if they ran over your demented granddad. I'm glad of the mixture, since an album with only down tempo tracks would bore you and just industrial mayhem would be too much.

The list of my favorite tracks is a verification of my former statement, everything from the last track "Trickmuster" which is close to a ballad, to the second track "Just Another Part" which is true grinding. It's also fair to mention "One Day" and "Down With You" before ending this review.

I gladly join their cult and will continue to follow them, their electronic flavoured industrial made me kneel.
Aug 23 2011

Patrik Lindström
Founder of Brutal Resonance in 2009, founder of Electroracle and founder of ex Promonetics. Used to write a whole lot for Brutal Resonance and have written over 500 reviews. Nowadays, mostly focusing on the website and paving way for our writers.

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