11grams is a brand new project from Rob Early of Retrogramme and Simeon Fitzpatrick of Project K11. With their efforts combined, they have created an industrial, EBM, and synthpop hybrid. Now that their new album PANACEA (order HERE) is out along with a music video for the lead single 'Machine Malfunction', we got a chat with Rob Early of the band. Be sure to listen to 'Machine Malfunction' as you read the interview!
Hi there Rob! Thanks for coming on Brutal Resonance for this chat! How are things going for 11grams? You've got a new album out and from what I've read so far, reception has been quite positive!
Rob: Things are going well! It seems that since we released our video for 'Machine Malfunction', radio stations have been playing the track and passing our name around. We’ve shared early copies of our Album, Panacea to DJs and they’ve played other tracks as well. Pre-sales were quite good too, almost reaching top ten in sales on POPoNAUT before the album was released!
Now, 11grams is a collaboration between yourself and Simeon Fitzpatrick of Project K11. How did you two meet and what made you want to start a band together?
With Panacea you fused multiple genres including industrial, electro, EBM, and synthpop into one album. Did you find it hard to fit all those genres on one album, or was it a breeze with two minds going at it?
There are twelve tracks in total on the album, including remixes from Daniel Myer, Xavier Swafford, and Atropine. Most albums have the remixes appear at the end of the album, but you have the remixes placed after the original in the album. Was this is a conscious choice or just something you didn't really think about?
I know that you are based in the USA and Simeon is based over in Australia. How did you guys create songs together from such a distance? Was it a matter of swapping files back and forth over in the internet until the song was perfect?
And, tell me, what is your personal favorite song on the album and why?
I've noticed that you have decided to call the songs on your album “Episodes” instead of tracks or what have you. Is the album story based, and if so, what is the major plot to it all?
In my neverending quest to discover new music, I've been asking a lot of musicians what they've been listening to lately. And, so, I ask you the same: What have you been listening to? Any new bands that you think deserve more of a spotlight?
And what are you future plans regarding 11 Grams? Any tours, shows, or future EPs in the works?
And another off topic question for you: How is Retrogramme doing? What news do you have of this project? Anything fun and exciting, or has 11 Grams taken up most of your time as of late?
Lastly, I thank you for your time! I wish you the best of luck with Panacea and leave the space below free for any last words you may have. Cheers!
Steven Gullotta
info@brutalresonance.comI've been writing for Brutal Resonance since November of 2012 and now serve as the editor-in-chief. I love the dark electronic underground and usually have too much to listen to at once but I love it. I am also an editor at Aggressive Deprivation, a digital/physical magazine since March of 2016. I support the scene as much as I can from my humble laptop.
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